6:30 PM18:30

Dog Lecture Wednesday

  • Bartlett Arboretum Silver Education Building (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Hope to see you Wednesday, January 15, 2025

OPIN will host a free dog lecture - for people only

Bring your questions to learn more about how your dog thinks. Rob Mullin, Dog Trainer & Behaviorist, will help you gain insight into your dog's mind. House training, barking, aggression issues? This lecture is for you, Lecture given by the expert Rob Mullin, trainer and owner of K-9 Wizard & Company.

Where: Bartlett Arboretum Silver Education Building, 151 Brookdale Road, Stamford CT.

When: Wednesday, January 15, 2025, 6:30 p.m.

Who: Please leave your pets behind for this class, but all are welcome to join our regular Wednesday 6:30 p.m. evening class.

Coffee and sweets will be served!

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6:00 PM18:00

Dog Lecture Wednesday

  • Bartlett Arboretum Silver Education Building (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Hope to see you this coming Wednesday:January 11, 2023

OPIN will host a free dog lecture - for people only

Have your dog questions answered; housebreaking, behavior or any other concerns you may have. Is your new puppy still giving you problems? Are you ready to address behavioral problems with your dog? Join us for a free presentation to the community on “Behavioral Problem Solving” given by the expert Rob Mullin, trainer and owner of K-9 Wizard & Company.

Where: Bartlett Arboretum Silver Education Building, 151 Brookdale Road, Stamford CT.

When: Wednesday, January 11, 2023 6-8 p.m.

Who: Please leave your pets behind for this class, but all are welcome to join our regular Wednesday 6:30 p.m. evening class.

Plus: Judy Audevard, Hudson Valley Paws for a Cause Pet Therapy will also be available for information on how to have your dog become a Pet Therapy dog!

Coffee and cookies will be served!

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9:00 AM09:00

2022 Best Friends Animal Society- Strut Your Mutt- Please Donate Now

  • Outreach to Pets in Need (OPIN) (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Thanks to Best Friends Animal Society, the annual Strut Your Mutt event will take place (Saturday, October 22nd). OPIN has been participating in this wonderful event since 2010.

It's a time when we celebrate not just our loving mutts but all pets, cats, dogs, birds, rabbits and all the fabulous creatures that make our lives better.

All year long OPIN works at the root causes of pet homelessness by providing the community with prevention programs to keep animals at home and out of shelters.  Programs like, free micro-chipping and free dog training classes, medical vet care for owners in crisis, low cost spay neuter assistance, re-homing services for pets seeking new homes and providing foster care for pets of domestic violence. 

Please visit OPIN's Strut Your Mutt Team page and consider making a donation to help keep our vital, life-saving programs in place, programs like our domestic violence foster program.  Pets remain in our foster care program until his/her owner secures a safe and peaceful home - away from abuse.  Reuniting pets with their owners, so they can all begin a new life together, is truly one of the most rewarding aspects of our work.  

You can find Team OPIN's Strut Your Mutt fundraising page here:


Please go to our page, make a donation today (to a walker or the team) to help us reach our $3,000.00 goal.  If you’ve given already, please know how grateful we are and that we appreciate you!

On October 22nd give an extra hug and some special time to your loving and faithful companion(s).  If you have a dog, go for a nice long “strut” and take in the beautiful fall weather. 

Because all our animals deserve a little extra for all they give to us throughout the year.

Thank you for your support!

Your donation is tax deductible and each participating animal welfare organization keeps 100 percent of the money raised after transaction fees. 

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Wednesday Nights: FREE Dog Training!
6:30 PM18:30

Wednesday Nights: FREE Dog Training!

Love your dog but feeling the stress because he/she is not trained?

Free Weekly Dog Training continues each Wednesday, 6:30 - 7:30 pm Bartlett Arboretum, Stamford, CT 

This is an outdoor group class so dress for the weather. Class is held in the large parking lot.

Attendees please be reminded: Keep the 6 foot rule - measure with the leash & leave good space. Please respect and do not touch another person's dog.

First timers: Please have your dog outfitted with a "martingale" style collar and a 6-foot standard lead (no flexible leashes please) Bring your dog's current rabies vaccination record which can be obtained from your vet's office. This is the printed certificate - not the metal tag. This is needed for your first day registration information.

A martingale collar. Can be purchased at any pet supply store or online. Those with a snap clip closure are easiest to put on.

Two nonprofits, OPIN & the Bartlett Arboretum, join together as a community, offering:  FREE Dog Training with Trainer Rob Mullin of K9Wizard & Co. 

OPIN is pleased to announce this partnership with the Bartlett Arboretum; without their help we couldn't offer this service year round. Classes are open to everyone and are held every Wednesday night (6:30-7:30 pm) at the Bartlett Arboretum located at 151 Brookdale Road in North Stamford (map) (Silver Education Building-lower back entrance in cold and in inclement weather and outdoors on the Great Lawn in nice weather). Your dog will learn the basics: to walk nicely on a leash, to sit, stay, down, and to interact positively in the presence of other dogs.

Donations are always welcomed. 

Please sign up for our newsletter on our website or "like" us on our Facebook page to be notified of changes/cancellations to classes.  

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Wednesday Nights: FREE Dog Training!
6:30 PM18:30

Wednesday Nights: FREE Dog Training!

Love your dog but feeling the stress because he/she is not trained?

We are happy to inform you that we will resume outdoor dog training classes in the parking lot of the Bartlett Arboretum beginning Wednesday, June 24th!  

As usual, it will begin at 6:30pm (until 7:30pm) and all are expected to have the proper dog training gear (6 foot leash, and preferably a choke, prong or martingale collar).  What will not be usual is that we will have to keep a safe distance from each other, with no petting of other dogs; and since it is outdoors, it is your option to wear face masks (and should you choose, complimentary temperatures will be taken with an infrared thermometer which will hopefully arrive on time.)  Please stay home if you feel unwell.

Two nonprofits, OPIN & the Bartlett Arboretum, join together as a community, offering:  FREE Dog Training with Trainer Rob Mullin of K9Wizard & Co. 

OPIN is pleased to announce this partnership with the Bartlett Arboretum; without their help we couldn't offer this service year round. Classes are open to everyone and are held every Wednesday night (6:30-7:30 pm) at the Bartlett Arboretum located at 151 Brookdale Road in North Stamford (map) (Silver Education Building-lower back entrance in cold and in inclement weather and outdoors on the Great Lawn in nice weather). Your dog will learn the basics: to walk nicely on a leash, to sit, stay, down, and to interact positively in the presence of other dogs.

Your dog should be outfitted with a 6’ standard lead (no retractable leads) and a choke collar.  Please bring a copy of your dog’s rabies and license certificate (not the metal tags) to the first class. 

Donations are always welcomed. 

Please sign up for our newsletter on our website or "like" us on our Facebook page to be notified of changes/cancellations to classes.  

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Thursday Feb 27th - Consider OPIN on Fairfield County Giving Day!
to Feb 28

Thursday Feb 27th - Consider OPIN on Fairfield County Giving Day!

  • Google Calendar ICS

We're thrilled to announce that we will once again be participating in Fairfield County Giving Day!

This event is a 24-hour online fundraiser for nonprofit organizations throughout Fairfield County, including OPIN-Outreach to Pets In Need. Be a part of the biggest Giving Day of the year!

Beginning at 12:01 a.m. (EST) on Thursday, February 27th, Fairfield County nonprofits will try to set a fundraising record to surpass last year’s giving to help your favorite charities.

Throughout the day you’ll be hearing from us and we’ll be asking for your support of a gift of any size over $10. No amount is too small.

Look for our messages on Facebook and Constant Contact. Go to our Fairfield County Giving Day link: https://www.fcgives.org/organizations/opin-inc

There you can check out our profile and Dog Training video, showcasing one of our many community programs. Revisit on February 27 to give. Note: the FC Giving module will only be active on 2/27 beginning at 12:01 a.m.

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Support OPIN at Best Friends 2019 "Strut Your Mutt" in NYC
9:00 AM09:00

Support OPIN at Best Friends 2019 "Strut Your Mutt" in NYC

OPIN - Strut Your Mutt 2018

OPIN - Strut Your Mutt 2018

Click Here to Donate or Join Us Now!

2019 will be the 10th straight year that OPIN (Outreach to Pets In Need) has participated in the Strut Your Mutt event. And each year, we have a blast!

You may be familiar with OPIN because of the work you've seen us doing for the community over the past 12 years.  Perhaps you've participated in our free dog training class, have had your pet microchipped, have been by an event or you've given toward our walk in years past.

We work hard every day to help pets in need by offering programs to keep pets healthy, safe, home and out of shelters - programs such as: 

  • Free microchipping

  • Free dog training

  • Low-cost spay/neuter subsidy programs

  • LAP - (Loved Again Program) re-homing help to find pets a new loving "lap"

  • Financial vet services aid to qualifying pet owners

  • Adoption/fostering for pets who have joined the OPIN family

  • Lifetime vet care & fostering for terminal hospice pets

  • Foster care for pets owned by victims of domestic violence

Strut Your Mutt, is a huge fundraising event for OPIN.  Best Friends Animal Society makes the walk possible by sponsoring and organizing the event.  Except for a small fee, OPIN keeps all of the funds that are raised by our team of walkers.

We'd be so grateful for your kind support and thank you if you've already made a supporting gift.  It means the world to us and the animals we help.  

You'll find the OPIN Team page and its roster of team walkers right here:  http://support.bestfriends.org/goto/OPIN2019

Please make a donation either in honor of the entire team or to support any one of our walkers.  No gift is too small, any amount will help.

We and the animals thank you for supporting us and helping us to save lives!


Donate to Team OPIN

Please join or support OPIN at this great event!

Please join or support OPIN at this great event!

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Support OPIN at Best Friends 2017 "Strut Your Mutt" in NYC
9:00 AM09:00

Support OPIN at Best Friends 2017 "Strut Your Mutt" in NYC

Team OPIN at Strut Your Mutt 2016

Team OPIN at Strut Your Mutt 2016

Click Here to Donate or Join Us Now!

2017 will be the 8th straight year that OPIN (Outreach to Pets In Need) has participated in the Strut Your Mutt event. And each year, we have a blast!

This year we are walking in honor of Bella, one of the first pets we saved this year.  After her visit to the vet, it was discovered that Bella had large bladder and anal tumors that needed immediate care.

Bella is an 8-year old poodle that we took in.

Bella is an 8-year old poodle that we took in.

Bella is just one of the stories we have this year. All year long, we are helping pets like Bella start a new life, or helping community pets stay in their homes or avoid euthanasia by offering financial assistance to owners who find themselves in a financial crisis but need emergency or other care for their furry family member. Or, maybe it's the pet owned by a victim of domestic violence. OPIN is there 24/7 to step in and offer a safe haven.

Please join us either by registering for our team or donating to one of our team members. Even if you're not planning to walk with us the day of the event, you can still register and help us fundraise or just pass along our link to family and friends.

Your donation is tax deductible and each participating animal welfare organization keeps 100 percent of the money that’s raised after transaction fees. And the best part? That money will help save the lives of homeless pets.  

.  Donate to Team OPIN or here on the OPIN website.

Please join or support OPIN at this great event!

Please join or support OPIN at this great event!

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SAVE THE DATE: 2nd Annual "Bark in the Park"
11:00 AM11:00

SAVE THE DATE: 2nd Annual "Bark in the Park"

SAVE THE DATE. 2nd annual DSSD sponsored Bark in the Park event. Sunday, September 10th ~ 11am - 3pm, Latham Park, Stamford Downtown, Bedford Street. Come get a FREE microchip for your dog. Last year, OPIN chipped 60 dogs, this year our goal is 100. YES, FREE really does mean FREE. This is part of our community outreach and includes lifetime registration in the HomeAgain database.

Save the Date! 09/10/2017

Save the Date! 09/10/2017

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11:00 AM11:00

Bark in the Park

Bark in the Park 09-11-2016

Bark in the Park
A special day for our four-legged friends!
Enjoy lots of activities to keep families and their pets entertained including: K9 demonstrations, agility course, fun contests, adoption area, microchip clinic, vendor booths, and much more!
Bark in the Park will feature:

  • Agility Course provided by Bandilane Canine Center
  • Photo Booth sponsored by Bulls Head Pet Hospital
  • Pet Healthy and Safety Demonstrations
  • Costume and Trick Contests sponsored by High Ridge Animal Hospital
  • Hydration Station/Splash Zone sponsored by Choice Pet
  • Adoption Area
  • Pet Vendors
  • Door Prize Giveaways
  • FREE HomeAgain microchips provided by OPIN
  • And More!


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6:00 PM18:00


  • Harbor Commns Park - Near Exhale (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Yoga For Good With Exhale + Outreach to Pets in Need

Exhale + Stamford’s Outreach to Pets in Need (OPIN) are teaming up to flow for (and with!) our furry friends! Co-founded by shelter volunteers, OPIN promotes adoption of homeless animals and provides assistance to pets through medical treatment, training and education. Let’s get in down dog for the dogs starting with a fur- and family-friendly flow yoga class led by the ultimate yogi (and proud pet owner!) Elysa DeMartini. Stick around after class for pet-friendly trunk shows, sips + snacks, and a summer party in the park!

$30 Suggested Donation - All Proceeds go to Outreach to Pets in Need (OPIN)

Sign up on the exhale app or call 203.391.5350

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11:00 AM11:00


Come join OPIN for a RUFF RYDE on July 10th!! Or, register for a ryde any Sunday in July to support animal rescue. LifeCycle is a fantastic studio offering spin classes, yoga and TRXHiit Classes. They are located on High Ridge Road above Noelle Spa. This studio does SO MUCH to help charities locally, nationally and globally. Use this dedicated link to sign up:

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